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Daily Dose

Partner for Innovation and Networking in Pharma

Article-Partner for Innovation and Networking in Pharma

Over the years, CPhI Middle East & Africa has established itself as one of the region’s most comprehensive pharma gathering that brings together a wide range of exhibitors from all across the pharma supply chain. Together, with its co-located events iCSE, P-MEC, InnoPack, and FDF, it hosts over 4,900 key visiting pharma suppliers and buyers.

Whether you are looking for sourcing new business or getting the latest market insight, with its co-located events, the exhibition is a one-stop–shop pharmaceutical platform in the Middle East & Africa region. The next edition will take place between September 16 to 18.

In an interview with Daily Dose, Cara Turner, Brand Director, CPhI Middle East & Africa, discusses the impact innovation is driving in the healthcare arena, especially technology that is transforming the pharma industry, and sheds light on the agenda for the upcoming event. Excerpts.

Innovation in healthcare is the theme of Arab Health this year. What would you say is the impact innovation is having on the delivery of healthcare?

Innovation has become crucial to the delivery of healthcare. Already we’ve seen the incredible impact technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), wearable technologies, 3D printing, and drones have had on the transformation of the healthcare landscape. The wearable medical device market is worth billions of dollars annually and this is expected to continue to increase year-on-year according to the latest research. It’s not only the wearables market either; across-the-board strong growth is predicted with healthy lifestyle apps, telehealth, and, greater patient engagement through technology resulting in cost saving and quality improvement.

What according to you is the potential of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence in improving patient care?

If we look at the healthcare sector over the last few years, there have been several buzzwords dominating the discussion. However, it appears Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be the one that will have the most impact on the sector as we move forward. Computer-assisted robotic technology or AI one day superseding medical professionals are just a couple of examples being looked at and discussed. As we move into 2019, these will become even more pertinent, as the industry prepares to implement the technology.AI might be a relatively new term, but this is something that a lot of businesses, particularly those involved in the healthcare sphere, have been exploring for a long time.

What are your thoughts on the UAE’s healthcare industry? According to you, what are some of the current healthcare trends being seen in the GCC region and what do you see as the growth areas going forward?

Innovation is driving the healthcare industry forward and advances in technologies are creating vast new possibilities and opportunities for the UAE healthcare sector. Healthcare facilities, medical device manufacturers and service providers across the globe are constantly innovating to remain competitive and offer new and improved treatments to patients.

There will be a wealth of opportunities for healthcare start-ups, thanks to an increase in interest in new products and innovations — it will be the manufacturers and service providers who are able to innovate and remain competitive who will experience the greatest growth.

Could you tell us about CPhI’s upcoming events? What is the agenda for these?

CPhI Middle East & Africa focuses exclusively on pharma manufacturing across the region and is this specific community’s regional partner for innovation and networking, across the entire pharma supply chain. As such, our content this September will be shaped around encouraging government to industry initiatives, exploration of the latest trends within manufacturing, but more importantly, taking a closer look at innovation; where it’s coming from and what it means to the pharma manufacturing across the region.

What according to you are the opportunities available to healthcare and trade professionals who attend CPhI events?

CPhI is all about making connections that propel businesses within pharma manufacturing forward. At our events, we work hard to ensure a mix of trending content, high-level exhibitor interactions, and multi-level networking opportunities; from pre-arranged mutually beneficial meetings to informal networking events. If your business is within any aspect of the pharma manufacturing supply chain, then CPhI events are a must-attend!

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