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Live Blog: Arab Health 2020

White-paper-Live Blog: Arab Health 2020

Follow our ongoing commentary during Arab Health 2020, bringing you interesting quotes and insights from our content team and social media!

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Day 4 - Thursday 30 January


Arab Health 2020 has officially come to a close.

To all the delegates, visitors, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors who helped make this year's event such a success: thank you! And an extra thank you to those who followed along with our live blog - we hope you enjoyed the news and updates from the biggest global gathering of the healthcare industry as much as we did. 

The insight doesn't stop here, though. Don't forget to take a look through our Arab Health special edition of Omnia Health for even more from the industry's leaders and experts!


Meet your Innov8 Talks pitch off finalists!

Sonavi Labs

With 600 million people affected each year, and over 1 million children under 5 losing their lives to pneumonia in 2019, respiratory diseases account for some of the most fatal and expensive diseases the healthcare industry deals with. Sonavi Labs is harnessing power of AI to transform how we diagnose and manage these diseases. With limited access and physicians struggling to meet demand, the Sonavi Labs team asked the question: what if anyone, anywhere, had the ability to diagnose respitaroty diseases with same accuracy as a physician? Enter Feelix: a digital diagnostic tool offering the automated detection of abnormal lung sounds in just 10 seconds from hospitals, communities and in the home.


"Better diagnostics for a better life," is the motto of SensDx, a reference to its quick, accurate, precise and easy to use diagnostic platform. Offering a universal reader, disposable test kit and accompanying app, SensDx is highly sensitive and can detect pathogens at early stages of development, helping halt the spread of bacteria and viruses. With kits for detecting influenza already available, SensDx is working to offer tests to detect eight more pathogens in the near future.


1 in every 3 lives lost are claimed by cardiovascular disease - and yet 80% of unexpected heart-related deaths could be prevented. With this in mind, Cardiolyse aims to offer affordable and accesible tools for the monitoring and prevention of heart disease, providing affordable and real-time monitoring, personalised reports, and even health alerts up to two months in advance. Solutions range from wearable devices to hospital-based technology, and its accompanying cloud app offers unique patient insights and summaries.


It can cost $2.5million to raise a child with a learning disability - and there are over 100 million children with learning difficulties worldiwde. "We can do better," believes VRapeutic, which offers virtual reality software for therapeutic purposes, with a focus on learning difficulties and developmental disorders. VRapeutic offers engaging, immersive and customizable therapy to develop cognitive, social, motor and academic skills. Developed around established therapies, VRapeutic is adapting technology, art and science for good of children.

And the winner is...


Congratulations to Sonavi Labs! As the winner, Sonavi Labs will have its very own booth at Arab Health 2021 - so watch this space!


It's almost time for the final Innov8 Talks pitch off - the theatre is filling up!

Your judges for the final pitch off:

  • Hazem Abu Khalaf, Director, Healthcare Investments, Gulf Capital, Dubai, UAE
  • Hasan Al Nowais, Acting Head of Mubadala Healthcare, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • Ugo Mosanya, Head of Strategy & Business Development, Solutions CoE and HTS Consulting, Philips MEA, Dubai, UAE
  • Tristan de Boysson, CEO, Amanat Holdings, Dubai, UAE


We've heard a lot about data and AI in healthcare over the past few days - so it's great to see it in action, too!


Some fascinating insights from Dr. Maulik Majmudar, Chief Medical Officer, Amazon, this morning at Innov8 Talks. "There is a lot of hype about digital healthcare," he says, echoing the setinments we've seen across the past four days at Arab Health, "but will it work? It is not yet obvious that technology will be a driver a of reduced cost and increased efficiences."


He adds some extra food for thought: "In recent years what has become apparent in the U.S. healthcare system is that a B2B healthcare model has been more successful than B2C."


It may be the final day, but it's as busy as ever out on the show floor. We were delighted to see Department of Health - Abu Dhabi and Hocoma take part in an MOU signing ceremony on the Hocoma stand this morning.


The fourth and final day of Arab Health is officially underway! As you arrive, don't forget to grab your copy of today's Daily Dose. It's your sneak peak at next week's Medlab Middle East, plus all you need to know about new launches from the likes of Dubai Health Authority and Malaffi, insights from yesterday's conference sessions, and of course a preview about what's to come today.

daily dose day 4_2.png

If you can't get your hands on a physical copy, you can read the Daily Dose - Day 4 online here.

Day 3 - Wednesday 29 January


And that's a wrap on day 3! As we get ready for the final day tomorrow, why not take a look over today's highlights?



The Bubble Lounge plays host to a fascinating discussion on the link between obesity and diabetes, and the role technology has to play.

The conversation is another part of the strong connectivity theme we've seen across conference sessions and products alike at Arab Health this year, with technological advancements in the spotlight not only when it comes to diagnostics, but also in the management of long-term and chronic conditions.

As Ben McGough, Workstream Lead, Digital NHS Diabetes Program, UK, demonstrates with his comment, technology has an impact on everyday community healthcare as well as brand new hospitals: "We can now write algorithms that can go in an ordinary GP practice."


Insights from Innov8 Talks continue. It's estimated that 163zb of data will be generated globally in 2025 - that's 10x the amount of data in 2016!

What does that mean for healthcare? The priorities–and challenges–are around security, scale, speed, and keeping the transition to prioritising value-based healthcare over volume at the heart of digital strategies. 


A Q&A discussion precedes Farhan Farooq, Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services' 'The New Normal in Healthcare' session at Innov8 Talks. One major takeaway: "AI is only as smart as the people using it."

As AI continues to play an increasing role in healthcare, it's important to remember that even AI isn't free from cultural bias or skewed data.


Who doesn't love a live demonstration? The Omnia Health team got the chance to test out Incrediwear's anti-inflammatory arm sleeve - innovation in action!

After a near fatal accident threatened to leave Incrediwear CEO and Founder Jackson Corley paralyzed, he dedicated his efforts to developing a new way to heal without medication and its various side effects. Using semiconductor elements, all that's needed is the simple touch of the fabric, and the wearer will benefit from increased circulation to reduce inflammation, relieve pain and accelerate recovery, all of which you can see happening in the short clip above.

See it for yourself at Booth F10, Hall 6 at the Super Care Pharmacy booth.

Stopping for sustenance? Pick up your Day 3 edition of the Daily Dose - or download our PDF version.

Daily Dose3.jpg

Articles that you might be interested in:

  • New AI partnership announced by Abu Dhabi's Department of Health, and their recognition of young hackathon winners
  • An interview with Francis Schmeer, Chief Sales and Marketing Office, Ascom, on data
  • An interview with Sukhdeep Sachdev, Global CEO, Leader Group on AI in diagnostic imaging

Many interesting insights shared at the Mecomed Networking Breakfast this morning, including regulatory developments from around the region.

Mecomed, the medical devices, imaging and diagonistics trade association serving as the voice of international MedTech manufacturers across the Middle East & Africa, unveiled its position on value-based healthcare in the region. More on this later...


Day 3 and we're halfway through Arab Health. How is everyone? We're at the Mecomed Networking Breakfast at the Bubble Lounge, and it's getting livelier by the minute. Let the day commence.


And on a similar note, don't forget to check out the highlights from yesterday!


Day 2 - Tuesday 28 January

We're still here on Day 2, getting things done, and on the subject of getting stuff done, kudos to NMG, who built a mini-hospital in under 3 days:

In his Innov8 talk on foresight and innovation, Dr Yousif Rashid Matar Al Zaabi, Unit Head, Foresight, Department of Health, Abu Dhabi, quite rightly points out that making sense of the future is not easy.


He describes their foresight system as a model similar to the solar system - an initiative drawing praise on social media:

Chris Meenan, Head of Strategy for Precision Diagnosis at Philips, is talking at Innov8 about how to drive operational efficiencies, and increase the patient experience. Hospitals could be more like airlines, he suggests, in that they have a data-driven culture. He advocates bringing data together in one place, sharing radiology as an example (a department that faces patients with different priorities, including no shows that are a USD 2m per month problem), and explains how AI will accelerate analytics. 

Khaled Ismail, Managing Partner, HIM Angel, Cairo, is suggesting in his Innov8 talk that insurance companies care more than doctors about patients. He explained that doctors treat; they don't predict or prevent. People will find their own treatment (through Google for example). He calls for a paradigm shift to a personalisation of people's health - a "recipe for life" in his words that could be subscription-based. A recipe that is an intelligent assistant (an app) that includes a blood test schedule, how often to check kidneys, and so forth.

The Innov8 talks are proving popular this afternoon. Dr Sana Farid, X-Reality & AI strategist, Munfarid, Co-President, VRAR Association Mena Ch, Dubai, began with a talk on the use of VR technology in treating cancer and diabetes patients, citing the example of Google Cardboard that cost less than USD 10. 

Something you may have noticed: Arab Health is big. We've been doing a lot of walking: a quick poll shows around 25,000 steps on average per day, each. That's equivalent to 9.47 miles or 15km daily. Arab Health isn't just healthcare; it's healthy. On to the next talk...

A presentation from this morning: how do UK healthcare companies make the most of the Middle East opportunity? You can read the opinion piece by Paul McGrade, Senior Counsel, Lexington Communications, on this site right here: A new era for UK MedTech in the Middle East after Brexit


Day 1 highlights on YouTube - perfect viewing if you're now pausing for lunch.

Here's a fascinating tech talk on AI and healthcare from earlier. Panel moderated by Dr Hamid A Hashemi, Director of Strategy Affairs at DoH - Abu Dhabi.


The Day 2 edition of the Daily Dose is now out! Today's publication covers, among other stories, yesterday's tour of Arab Health by a very special visitor and an interview with Dr Emily Stein of Primal Health. Grab your free copy today from the halls or check out the PDF version

We do love a good timelapse. Arab Health attendees are streaming in thick and fast this morning. 

Yesterday was a whirlwind of activity at Arab Health, and we expect today to be no different. It's a beautifully crisp morning in Dubai, and we have our flat whites ready. Here is what's on the agenda for today

Day 1 - Monday 27 January

The day's proceedings are now formally over, and we're viewing the day's events through social media. It's a reminder of the sheer scale and variety of Arab Health, as well as the different ways in which people are benefiting. 

We can now (officially) reveal that His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai visited Arab Health this afternoon. Press release here.

On to Innov8 which, as the name suggests, focuses on innovation, featuring not only keynote speakers and industry gurus but 32 startup companies pitching over four days (good luck to all!).

Kicking off the guru talks was Reenita Das, partner and SVP of Healthcare and Life Sciences at Frost & Sullivan, whom you might recall discussed how women in healthcare are revolutionising the industry in an earlier interview, The rise of femtech and SHEeconomy.

Reenita shared her global healthcare predictions for 2020 - last year her forecasts were 99% accurate.  

It's that point mid-afternoon when a pause to reflect feels appropriate. Brian de Francesca, CEO of Ver2, earlier today shared a top tip with his audience: close your eyes for 60 seconds and think of what you're grateful for (personally we're grateful for the cake in the Press Office).

He was speaking at a session on Build & Design at the Healthcare Infrastructure Forum in which he advocated a shift to a hospital of the future that is integrated, multidisciplinary, agile, adaptable and digital; with a design that is data-driven and community/people focused. He compared the growing hospitals of today with large malls facing disruption.


His thoughts formed part of interesting talks on design that we will return to later in the form of a bigger piece. 

We realise that a Live Blog is much more interesting with input from yourselves, our readers. While we don't currently have commenting enabled (working on it), we welcome any thoughts/comments/suggestions you might have by email (contact us here). We also encourage discussion through social media: we are on Twitter and Facebook

Is it time for a third Daily Dose mention? We think so. Dr Emily Stein of Primal Health highlights the high risk of cardiovascular disease and dementia due to poor oral hygiene. To read the full interview, pick up tomorrow's Daily Dose (it's free).


Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies can be readily seen throughout Arab Health, from our robot friend pictured here to VR, 3D printing, and others. Tech, of course, is an important theme of our times: we even have an entire section on Omnia Health Insights dedicated to it.

And to show that we're just as interactive as the technologies on display at Arab Health, we are currently running a poll on our Technology pages on which innovation will have the biggest impact on healthcare. We're curious to know what you will vote for (are these technologies more than snazzy buzzwords?)!

Arab Health is in full flow (as you can see, we've been rather busy...). There is also, as you may have noticed, a VVIP in attendance...more to come.


Here's another avid reader of today's Daily Dose (and an intrigued-looking gentleman behind). You can also find these free daily news digests by looking out for the green 'bins' located alongside the lanyard recycling bins (you may notice the NMG logo; you might be interested in our interview with them on sustainability). 


And because we really are thinking of everything, here's a PDF version of the Daily Dose that you can download for a quick browse on your smartphone.

A top tip shared by our roving social media reporter. Register online and collect your badge to avoid waiting - you can even scan the QR code provided for an even snappier registration.

Have we mentioned that we are also offering a digest of daily goodness that is the Daily Dose? You can find a free copy easily enough across halls - look out for our cheery distributors. Today's edition is especially packed with stories and insights from Arab Health, including (ahem) a mention of this very website, Omnia Health Insights, on page 2.  


And we're underway! It's an early start for us, but we're eager and armed with coffee. And we must say, the show is looking dazzling, from holographic displays to shiny screens. Yes, that's an image hovering midair featured in the photo...


One day to go...

We’re hugely excited to be at Arab Health in Dubai over the next few days, from where we will be sharing updates with you on our live blog. What’s keeping healthcare professionals awake at night? What are the trends to look out for? Find out by bookmarking this page.

Introducing our Live Blog

Five days remain before Arab Health 2020! We're excited about what's to come. We will share updates during the week from the event on the activities, quotes and happenings that we find interesting. Don't forget to follow us on social media too - we are on Twitter and Facebook.

For tips/stories, email Deepa: